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European excellence!
Nr2 was born in January 2019 and bred by L. Haesen from the Limburg region of Flanders in Belgium. 2 breeding rams were purchased from Mr.Haesen. Unfortunately one died immediately after arriving at the new owner's pasture. A Barbadian Black Belly ram had headed this much smaller Cameroon to death. Because Mr.Haesen was not interested in joining the studbook and did not want to give a stable name to the remaining ram. Have we given the family name of the breeder followed by a number. Hence its name Nr2. He is the 1st European polled ram to enter the AOBA-ISDGS studbook.
We are proud to announce that the first 5 sons of "Nr2" have been born. They are all polled. And it looks like they have the color brown/dark brown black belly. These healthy lambs were born during the extreme drought in the month of August 2022. And so they passed their first test. After a long period of extreme drought, we are happy that September is turning into a serious rainy month. And so the greenery in the meadow is growing. The ram lambs can gain weight during the months of September and October. And get ready for winter. In January-February we will select the best ram lamb to keep. And 4 brothers are offered for sale. As usual we only export 1 ram lamb per country. So that all bloodlines are spread over the entire EU population. In this Youtube video you can see "Nr2" in his summer coat without the known winter mane, along with his 1 month old sons.