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ISDGS Show Point Breakdown
Breed Standards
The attributes listed below describe the Djallonké breed and should be used to evaluate sheep considered for registration with the International Studbook for Djallonké Goats & Sheep (ISDGS). Although this standard describes the phenotypic attributes of the breed, there are other attributes that are not easily defined but that are most valued about the Djallonké breed. Attributes such as prolificacy, disease resistance, parasite tolerance, non-seasonal breeding, and mothering ability contribute to the integrity of the breed. The ISDGS encourages breeders to include these non-phenotypic attributes when evaluating and selecting stock to include in their breeding programs.
The ISDGS does not guarantee the quality of a registered sheep. The purpose of the ISDGS is to enable breeders to track the pedigrees of their animals. It is the breeder’s responsibility to ensure that only sheep meeting these breed standards are submitted for registration. It is also the breeder’s responsibility to cull any sheep that are Not to Standard and to prevent their genetics from contaminating the general population of Djallonké sheep.
These are the tiers used to describe each attribute:
Height at withers (5 points)
Head (10 points)
Ears (5 points)
Eyes (5 points)
Neck (5 points)
Occasionally, wattles are found, but are not discriminated against.
Horns (5 points)
Legs (5 points)
Testicles (10 points)
Tail (5 points)
Topline (10 points)
Forequarters (10 points)
Hindquarters (10 points)
Coat (15 points)
A total of 100 points can be achieved for rams. And 90 points for ewes.