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Djallonké ram from the Ouémé Department in Benin.
Djallonké ram "white with particularities" coat pattern
Djallonké ram "piebald" coat pattern. (Southwestern Nigeria)
Photo: M. A. Popoola
Djallonké rams from the Ouémé Department in Benin.
Djallonké rams.
Polled (hornless) Djallonké ram
A polled Djallonké ram.
Djallonke sheep in Togo.
Djallonké rams. (photo credit: ILRI)
Djallonké sheep ewe with lamb at CRASH Kolokopé of the Institut Togolais de Recherche Agronomique (ITRA) in Togo.
Djallonké sheep herd at the Institut Togolais de Recherche Agronomique (ITRA) in Togo.
Djallonké ram "skewbald" coat pattern. (Southwestern Nigeria)
Photo: M. A. Popoola
Djallonké rams with "fawn" and "red" coat pattern in Ibadan, Nigeria.
Atelier d’embouche familiale
de moutons Djallonké (photo M.I. Sangaré) Burkina Faso.
Djallonké ram in Burkina Faso. (photo M.I. Sangaré)
Djallonké ram in Burkina Faso.
Adult fattened Djallonké ram in Burkina Faso
(photo H. Nantoumé)
15 months old fattened Djallonké ram in Burkina Faso.
(photo H. Nantoumé)
Ovins Djallonké de la FEB
Source : Cliché IDRISSOU 2015
Djallonke "forest type" sheep in Ghana.
Djailonké "Kirdi" sheep at Garoua station, northern Cameroon.
Djallonké sheep herd in Togo.
Djallonké ram at the (Centre National Ovin) in Béoumi, Ivory Coast.
Djallonké breeding herd at the (Centre National Ovin) in Béoumi, Ivory Coast.
Djallonké sheep herd in Togo.
Djallonké ram with ewe.
Fattened Djallonké rams in Togo.
Djallonké rams in Togo.
Troupeau reproducteur de race Djallonké de la ferme agropastorale de Nzo-mossi (Rep.Congo)
Djallonké Sheep (in the back) and Djallonké Goats (in the front) in Gambia.
Djallonké ewe in Benin.
Djallonke sheep in Guinea Bissau.
a Uniform black with tan belly; b Spotted/pied; c Patchy white-black with badger face; d Uniform white (PROGEVAL, 2017)